The Health Resiliency Stress Questionnaire© (HRSQ) provides a quick overview of a person’s ability to tolerate and cope with stress. The HRSQ identifies and quantifies resiliency skills (strengths), tolerance to stress, expanded Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and other experiences of trauma and/or violence.

Health Resiliency Stress Questionnaire© (HRSQ)
The Health Resiliency Stress Questionnaire© (HRSQ) provides a quick overview of a person’s ability to tolerate and cope with stress, which is known to significantly affect their health. This tool was designed for busy primary care health clinics and is also valued by therapists, treatment centers, medical specialists, naturopaths, and other providers. The HRSQ identifies and quantifies resiliency skills (strengths), tolerance to stress, expanded Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and other experiences of trauma and/or violence. We know that such toxic stresses are highly associated with pro-inflammatory illnesses, which makes the HRSQ a very important tool for any practice. The HRSQ is an efficient (4-5 min), self-administered tool that can be completed in a waiting room, exam room, or at home. It can be used repeatedly to monitor improvement, in response to healing from the effects of ACEs and other toxic experiences. The future goal is to assist providers with treatment recommendations by stratifying which person may need what treatment recommendations with regard to the effects of trauma. Providers can register for the e-HRSQ and will receive and automated email with full description of their patient/client’s responses. The data entered will be pooled and used to study the utility of this instrument. The data set and email responses are HIPPA compliant: only the numerical answer-scores, race, gender, and zip code are recorded, and none are required (all optional). This is an IRB-approved study.
Take the HRSQ
ACEsConnection Blog Article on HRSQ
If you would like to learn more about the history and development of the HRSQ, click the button below. You will see how this instrument is the result of a truly collaborative effort and without funding.

Get in Touch
Call us at (385) 429-9808 for more information or to make an appointment.